Faith Community Church has joined forces with WellSpring Fellowship in Penn Yan to reach the city of Geneva for Christ.
Our church is not part of a denomination, but we do relate to a number of other healthy churches and networks, where we can give and receive.
Our leadership team values outside input, support, and resources from other groups, such as: Word of Grace Network and Elim Fellowship.
You can learn more about both groups by looking on their websites.
Pastor Penn Clark is our overseer. He started WellSpring Fellowship in Penn Yan and Word of Grace Network, which is a fellowship of pastors and church leaders.

Pastor Penn Clark’s ministry is based at WellSpring Fellowship in Penn Yan, New York, but is working to help start other life-giving churches in various places. Penn has been in full-time ministry for about 40 years and has traveled extensively overseas, helping to train leaders and start churches. In 2001, he established Word of Grace Network in order to keep connected with other church leaders who want to plant churches and do missions together. He has written more than 60 books, all of which are geared to preparing people for a great end-time harvest.