We love to worship and never want to miss an opportunity to bless the Lord with all our hearts.
We love it when the Spirit moves in our midst and the gifts are manifested.
We love to pray together and usually start our meeting with about twenty minutes of prayer.
We love God’s Word and enjoy in-depth teaching each Sunday, plus Bible studies during the week, plus we take advantage of every training course that our church offers.
We look forward to every opportunity to fellowship together and usually stay around after our meetings and look for every opportunity to be together.
We love to give and do not need to be reminded to do it, which is why we use an offering box.
We work at resting, which means that we treat Sunday differently than any other day of the week.
We are grateful for what God has done but are hungry for more than we have now. We are expecting revival for this area.
Our small group meetings might be the best part of our week, and should be something that our week is built around.
We relate to others, and we are part of WellSpring Fellowship of Churches. Our pastors relate to Word of Grace Networks and draw from other groups such as Elim Fellowship.
We try to be a blessing to area churches through conferences, retreats, seminars, and special meetings throughout the year.
Many of us have passports and are ready to go overseas to do mission trips.
We believe that the power of the Spirit is available today and want to experience more of God’s power in our lives.
We want His glory to cover the nations as the waters cover the sea.